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Our objective

Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy of Interfaces

  • The effective separation and rapid transport of photogenerated charge carriers to the interface are essential for high efficiency solar photocatalysis. The mechanisms and kinetics of charge separation and interfacial charge transfers (CT) are significantly influenced by the surface properties of the catalysts. Therefore, we aim to explore the photo-induced charge transfer mechanism at the interface with ultrafast transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy techniques, with a view to developing more effective solar active and water oxidation catalyst materials (photoanodes).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​







  • In heterogeneous catalysis, the control of product branching ratios is one of the ultimate goals. In this context, we aim to develop energy- and time-resolved vibrational sum frequency generation (VSFG) spectroscopy for the control of heterogeneous alcohol oxidation processes. Energy-resolved in-situ VSFG spectroscopy would characterize the adsorption properties, initial mechanistic steps and establish a structure-activity correlation at near ambient conditions. The subsequent time-resolved VSFG would monitor the mode-specific and bond-selective alcohol oxidation.

Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation (VSFG) Spectroscopy at Surface/Interface

2-Color Spectroscopy

In-situ Spectro-electrochemistry (liquid-solid Interface)


A new approach approach by combining VSFG, electrochemical impedance (EIS)  and basic electrochemistry has been designed to study the kinetics governing the intercalation and de-intercalation mechanisms at the electrode-electrolyte interface to develop better secondary ion batteries.

In-situ VSFG study (gas-solid Interface)



The goal is to understand the composition, structure, and intermediates to have a spectroscopic characterization of the initial mechanistic steps of heterogeneous surface/interface processes such as alcohol oxidation, CH4 and CO2 dissociation on metal oxide surfaces. Most importantly, this study will be conducted at room temperature and near ambient pressure.

Design of spectro-electrochemistry cell for in-situ VSFG study at liquid-solid interface

Design of  reaction cell for in-situ VSFG study at gas-solid interface

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