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Surface specific Spectroscopic Study for Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical (PEC) oxidation

17. R. De, M. Hermesdorf, A. Bera, R. Phul,  A. Gawlik, J. Plentz, M. Oschatz, F. Karadas, and B. Dietzek-Ivanš, "Cyanide Linkage Isomerization Induced by Cobalt Oxidation‐State Changes at a Co‐Fe Prussian‐Blue Analogue/ZnO Interface" Chemistry–A European Journal, p.e202401708 (2024).

16. R. De, A. Bera, H. Schmidt, C. Neumann,A.Turchanin, B. Dietzek-Ivanšić “Molecular rearrange-ment at a passivating alumina surface: Effect of atomic-level changes in roughness” ChemPhysChem e202300203(2023) (Cover page) ; 

15. A. Bera, R. De, H. Schmidt, D. Leistenschneider, T. U. Ghobadi, M. Oschatz, F. Karada ̧s, B. Dietzek-Ivanˇsi ́c “Probing the Interfacial Molecular Structure of a Co-Prussian Blue In Situ ” Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2400009(2024) (Cover page)


Spectroscopic Study for Heterogeneous Alcohol oxidation

14. Amir H. Omranpoor, A. Bera* (corr. author), D. Bullert, N. Hartmann and E. Hasselbrink, Eckhard Spohr and St ́ephane Kenmoe “2-Propanol Interacting withCo3O4 (001): A combined vSFS and AIMD study” JCP 158,164703(2023) ; doi:10.1063/5.0142707.

13. A. Bera, D. Bullert, M. Linke, S. Franzka, U. Hagemann, N. Hartmann and E. Hasselbrink, ”Interaction of Isopropanolwith TiO2 and TiO2-Terminated SrTiO3(100) Surfaces Studiedby Vibrational Sum Frequency Spectroscopy,” Catal. Sci. Tech-nol.13, 4988-4995(2023)

12. A. Bera, D. Bullert, M. Linke and E. Hasselbrink, “Vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy study of alcohol adsorption onthin film TiO2 at ambient pressure and temperature,” J. Phys.Chem. C 125, 7721 (2021).

11. A. Bera, D. Bullert and E. Hasselbrink, “Vibrational sumfrequency spectroscopy study of methanol on thin film TiO2 atambient pressure and temperature,” J. Phys. Chem. C 124,16069 (2020).


Surface Science study for Room temperature CO2 capture

10. A. Bera, A. Bhattacharya, N. Tiwari, S. N. Jha and D. Bhattacharyya, “Morphology, Stability, and X-ray Ab-sorption Spectroscopic Study of Iron Oxide (Hematite)Nanoparticles Prepared by Micelle Nanolithography.” Surface Science, 669, 145-153 (2018).

9. A. Bera, S. Banerjee, A. Bhattacharya, N. Tiwari, S. N.Jha and D. Bhattacharyya, “Morphology, stability, struc-ture and CO2-surface chemistry of micelle nanolithograph-ically prepared two dimensional arrays of core-shell Fe-Pdmulticomponent nanoparticles,” J. Phys. Chem. C. 122,26528 (2018).


Ultrafast Surface Chemical Dynamics of O2

8. S. Banerjee, J. Ghosh, A.Chakraborty, A. Bera, A.Bhattacharya “Catalytic Oadsorbed+ Oadsorbed= O2, gas Desorption from c (2X2)-O and p (5X5)-O Phases on Single Crystal Pd (100) Surface: Observing the Unseen using Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy” Chemical Physics Letters784, 139117 (2021)

7. S. Banerjee, A. Bera, A.Chakraborty, J. Ghosh, S. M.Varghese, A. Bhattacharya "Ultrafast dynamics of recom-binative desorption of molecular oxygen from the singlecrystal Pd (1 1 0) surface” Chemical Physics 551, 111332(2021)

6. S. Banerjee, A. Bera and Atanu Bhattacharya, “Femtosecond laser induced O + O = O2 catalytic reaction onsingle crystal Pd(100) surface requires thermal assistance,” J. Phys. Chem. C. 122, 26039 (2018).


Chemical Dynamics Study for Metal-Energetic Molecules

5. A. Bera, B. Concina, B. Schindler, G. P. Renois, G. Karras, I. Compagnon, A. Bhattacharya, and F. Lepine “Collisioninduced dissociation of positive ions of dimethylnitramine, amodel system for nitramine energetic molecules” InternationalJournal of Mass Spectrometry, 431, 15–21 (2018).

4. A. Bera, J. Ghosh, and A. Bhattacharya, “Ab initio mul-tiple spawning dynamics study of dimethylnitramine anddimethylnitramine-Fe complex to model their ultrafast nonadia-batic chemistry” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 147, 044308(2017).

3. A. Bera, S. Maroo and A. Bhatacharya “Electronically Nonadiabatic Decomposition Mechanisms of Clusters of Zinc and Dimethylnitramine” Chemical Physics, 446, 47-56 (2015).

2. A. Bera and A. Bhattacharya “Excited Electronic State De-composition Mechanisms of a Model Metalized Nitramine Energetic System: Dimethylnitramine-Aluminum Clusters” Journal of Chemical Sciences, 127, 71-82 (2015).

Review Article on Attochemistry

1. S. Bag, S. Chandra, J. Ghosh, A. Bera, E. R. Bernstein andA. Bhattacharya, “The Attochemistry of Chemical Bonding” IntRev Phys Chem 40, 405-455(2021)

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